About Amber Woodrow

MEAN stack magician, endless knowledge accumulator, food and culture lover.

A little bit about my career education and how I got into programming.

I went to college in Austin where I majored in creative arts. A couple years later I went to school for massage and became an LMT. As rewarding as helping people is, I had been in the service industry since I was 16, I decided that wasn't for me.

I started looking for a career that is a little more mentally stimulating. I am really into Ted Talks and was really intrigued by talks on technology and our future. My curiosity and urge for a career change led me on my search and I found Galvanize's full stack immersive program. And now I will be a December 2015 graduate, with curriculum focusing on the MEAN stack!



Javascript is the language I use most frequently. I love it because of it's flexibility to be used both on frontend and backend applications. I started with Ruby and loved it. I grew to use Javascript more in gSchool and I've grown to love it just as much. I'd be excited to have the opportunity to work in Ruby again, or use a compiled language like Go!

Angular, jQuery

When it comes to frontend Javascript I have experience in Angular and jQuery. I enjoy Angular because it allows you to write your own HTML tags, attributes, and class names with directives. jQuery is widely used but slowly being left behind, but important to know as we transition our code from jQuery to frameworks like Angular.


Design is always fun. I feel that I have an eye for design! I've had many a chances to work with CSS and the CSS Framework Bootstrap.


I've used MongoDB to make NoSQL database with nested schemas. I've used Postgres to set up relational databases with Express and Node.

Node, Express

Node and Express have been 2 things I've taken advantage of in writing Javascript in many projects with a backend.


Like CSS I've used HTML in most of my projects as it is the selection of web applications.


Past and current projects.
Click on a thumbnail below to learn more.

Check out more projects on GitHub